Our Services

brick agency agile branding services for startups and scaleups


Great brands generate cut-through, inspire loyalty and supercharge financial performance. Our agile branding framework makes sure your brand does what it needs to, when it needs to.

Brand Strategy
Messaging & Tone
Brand Design
Brand Expansion
Creative Ideas
More about our Brand services


We make your budget go further than ever. Our creative approach to activation brings new ideas and products to market with a holistic, high-performance blend of content, PR and multi-channel comms.

PR & Comms
More about our Activation services
brick agency agile marketing

Web & Digital

From the look and feel of your site, to the nitty-gritty of attracting and converting visitors, we can take care of your entire online presence. 

Agile Websites
UX & Design
Dev & Tech Stacks
Health Management
Technical SEO
More about our Web & Digital services

Early Stage Venture

Designed for super-lean budgets, our highly focused startup services take you directly to the next stage of your growth.

Value Proposition
Pitch Decks
Ad Testing
Profile Raising (PR)
Minimum Viable Branding
Budget Intelligence
More about our Early Stage Venture services